Saturday, July 28, 2012

Zucchini Quiche...made easy!

A new and fresh  BISCUIT versatile, that you can make your own homemade BISQUICK. If you live in the U.S. you must be familiar with the famous Bisquick biscuit mix that you can make pancakes, coffee cakes, biscuits, pies, and quiches with? Well there's a solution to making your own mix, without the preservatives, and you can keep the mix in you fridge for easy to make all the familiar and delicious things...and extremely handy!
I found my original recipe made with Bisquick which I've been saving since 1992. Instead of the 1 cup of Bisquick, substitute 1 cup of your homemade Biscuit Mix.I already lightened up the recipe, even then; by reducing the oil from 1 cup, down to half a cup!

This is a crustless quiche...or pie, whichever you prefer to call it! It is so easy to make, once you have your Biscuit Mix made. Your family will love it, and thank you for it!

Recipe; for Easy Baking Mix...Mix 5 cups of all-purpose flour, 1/4 cup of baking powder and 1 teaspoon salt. Cut in 1 cup of shortening until mixture resembles coarse crumbs. Store in airtight container, in your fridge, or a cool dry place. Makes 6 cups.

Linking to: Hearth and Soul Blog Hop @ Zesty South Indian Kitchen
Enhanced by Zemanta


Patty said...

My mom always made this and it was so yummy!

Kati said...

De jó, tudod, hogy szeretem én is cukkinit:)

Balvinder Ubi said...

Even in Canada I have seen people making all sorts of sweet and savory things with Biscuik. The quiche looks yummy.
I still have to try the use pectin in cheese mousse which I saw on your blog.

Rashida shaikh said...

Wow!!! Looks superb, fantastic work

Gloria said...

Love zucchini and this look delicious!


i love how versatile bisquick could get. we all need fast and easy fix like this one... great for a midweek meal.
how's the weather over there in FL? oh well I hope you are having fun nonetheless!

Lizzy said...

My hubby uses Bisquick for all his pancakes and waffles, but I have a feeling your homemade mix is much tastier! Love the look of this good with the mozz and zucchini :) Hope you're having a nice weekend~

Ola said...

adding to my waiting list!

Jacqueline said...

Yum! I do love a good quiche. Must make one with zucchini.

trollanyu said...

Nálunk nincs Bisquick, de nem is szeretem az ilyen kész dolgokat, mikor olyan pofonegyszerű az elkészítésük házilag is A cukkinis pitéd nagyon hívogató, nálunk már unja a család a cukkinit, mert nekem egyik kedvencem, így mindenbe becsempészem, nekem megunhatatlan:) További szép hétvégét neked:)

Brad said...

Ooohh, that looks so fluffy and light and flavorful.I'd love to have breakfast with you!

Ridwan's kitchen/Asian spice mix said...

I always had bisquick in my pantry,great idea mixed with zucchini,because I will have more zucchni from my little garden,so simple and easy too,and Thanks for keep my blog on your list,I already have yours in my blogroll :)


Pegasuslegend said...

I love this! I just remade some older recipes with zucchini and this one is a keeper great anytime! perfect for the summer season and abundance of this wonderful veggie! Thanks for reminding me on this one!

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

I have never seen bisquick selling here, it sound like a yummy mix. Thanks for sharing your homemade version of bisquick, now I can also make this at home. Your zucchini quiche look absolutely delicious.

suhaina aji said...

wow...this looks fantastic.. I have bought a pie maker..going to make 4 mini pies today evening to break our fasting. I am always trying to make new items during this fasting month and ur post has really helped becuase I have all in the ingredients in the fridge..
Thanks a lot dear...

Phong Hong said...

I am not familiar with bisquick, never heard of it until now. I love quiche, especially the ones with bacon in it :). I'm sure I'll love the zucchini one too.

Angie's Recipes said...

I had some stir-fried zucchini for the lunch. This is such a delicious yet very healthy quiche.

Kathy said...

I used to make a Bisquik blender pie…Coconut Custard…Yum! This looks delicious and I love the ease of making everything in one bowl! I would love to try your homemade biscuit mix…is that ¼ teaspoon of baking powder? Sounds great, Elizabeth! Have a wonderful week!!

Sissi said...

This dish looks delicious and so sunny! Does quiche have a different meaning in the US? In French it means a kind of tart (and some people even say the only quiche is quiche lorraine, the rest should be called tarts), but definitely something with a crust around and filled with some ingredients+savoury custard inside.
I have never used any cake mix in my life. I think in Europe very few people do it even though such products do exist in shops. It's a great idea to make your own.

Paula said...

I've never made a zucchini quiche and doing it with homemade Bisquick makes this even more appetizing. It looks wonderful!

Lyndsey Chapin said...

First of all you had me at "quick" and then I got a bonus of your homemade "Bisquick" mix! That is great to make it yourself and you can even make it organic! My mom used to make a quiche like this...brings back memories. We had a zucchini growing in our garden when I was a kid. I remember you had to watch it every minute, because if you turned around the zucchini would be huge!

This quiche It reminds me of a what they call a slice in New Zealand. I have a cookbook from there when I visited...I haven't pulled out in years...I think I'll do that.

Elisabeth said...

Kathy, thank you for noticing my missing baking powder amount. No, its not 1/4 is 1/4 cup of baking powder. For 5 cups of all-purpose flour, you need that much!

Here's a recipe for a lesser amount from a 1994 local newspaper that I saved.
1 3/4 cups all-purp. flour
1 Tbsp. baking powder
1 Tbsp. sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/3 cup shortening

Use the same method for mixing it to a crumblike texture, just line in my recipe, above!

Curt's Delectables said...

Hi I am Curt your newest follower! I love your recipes and photo's very familiar with your are as I live in Florida too! Hope to share more recipes with you too! This one is great for Sunday brunch! Have a fabulous weekend!

Elisabeth said...

Sissi, quiche is QUICHE, in Quiche Lorraine, with a crust. This has to be called quiche, because of the liquidized cream-like ingredients, even though there is no cream added. It is a crust-less quiche, or a 'pie'...but a pie needs crust, as well. You can't call it a tart, because that also needs a crust!

Bisquick, has been around since the 1930's, maybe even longer, but now that we are aiming to use natural ingredients, you can substitute it buy making your own natural biscuit mix...or 'busquick'

As for cake mixes, they do help a lot, and here in the U.S. and in Hungary, and in Italy, they DO use it a lot, to combine with their own creativity, just like they use a lot of pudding, and gelatine mixes. It is a great idea to make your own...but sometimes mixes help out a lot for mom's with little children to make yummy cupcakes!...I know that, because I used to make it for my kids when they were little, and it was great appreciated!

CJ - Food Stories said...

I love a good quiche recipe ... happy Sunday :-)

Wendy Wofford-Garcia said...

This looks so good...perfect for a light summer dinner with a salad! Hope you're having a wonderful weekend, Elisabeth!!

mia xara said...

Hi Elisabeth, beautiful pie, thanks for posting the homemade version of Bisquick, it's so versatile..Have a great week, XOXO

Sissi said...

Elisabeth, maybe I simply know people in my family and among friends who never use these (or at least they have never confessed using these). The only thing my mum used was a German-style powdered pudding or a fruit jelly, but never a cake mix. Simply because she (and me too) doesn't see the "convenient" side. My mum makes a fruit cake in fifteen or even ten minutes plus baking of course (this is the way I prepare my chocolate cake for example), so we don't see the "convenient" side in mixes.

Petra said...

Imádom a cukkinit: Nagyon gusztusos pite. :)

Zsuzsa said...

Elisabeth I think I would eat this... itlooks so good. I have texture issues with zucchini, but this quiche looks very inviting! Lovely photo BTW.

Swathi Iyer said...

Delicious I love that you made with homemade Bisquick . Easy and sure delicious.

suhaina aji said... was super fast and came out very well for me. I made 4 mini quiche in my pie maker and they got finished in the blink of an eye.

suhaina aji said...

thanks for the wonderful recipe. I made some slight changes since in the pie maker it took only 7 minutes to cook.
I precooked the zucchini and mixed with the bisquick. I too prepared the bisquick and stored the rest in the freezer..
wONDERFUL RECIPE..Ate it with some chilly garlic sauce.

Chic & Gorgeous Treats said...

Wow.. Never eat this before, and definitely will try this out. Just by reading the recipe is making me hungry enough to want a slice. Thanks for your constant support and I meant to come over earlier, but you beat me to it. Wanted to let you know I have a shout out to you, who have been a great friend and supporter. Take care of yourself!! Big hugggssss, Jo

lena said...

hi elisabeth, i've seen many blogs coming up with lovely treats with bisquicks. Thank you for sharing your homemade biscuit mix here, it is very helpful..we cant get bisquick here and i'm admiring your quiche here.

Also thanks for pointing out my "diary" spelling mistake..this is the 2nd time you caught me with the spelling mistake on the same word!! i better make sure i dont do it the 3rd time!

Elisabeth said...

Wow, Suhaina, I'm so impressed! I would love to see your mini quiche pies. So glad you liked the recipe. Come to think of it, I also sauteed the zucchini and onion first, for a few minutes before combining it with the biscuit mix!

Cucina49 said...

This looks amazing--a combination between a savory biscuit and a quiche. I'm going to try mixing up your baking mix.

Tina (PinayInTexas) said...

This looks so good! I guess this is something that will make my daughters eat and love zucchini!

Gizi said...

Kedves Elizabeth, nagyon restellem magam, de végre ideértem hozzád. Ez a pite csodálatos, olyan guszta hogy kedvem lenne most rögtön felfalni. Imádom a cukkinit, és napok óta én is azt készítek. Bepanírozva, és sütőben megsütve, meg csak úgy nassolásként eszegetjük. Puszillak

Jane said...

Hi Elisabeth, Thanks for this zucchini quiche recipe and the homemade Bisquick one - so fantastic!! I will definitely try this out as I have other quiche recipes that call for Bisquick, which I don't always feel good about using - I try to really limit using any prepared foods - too many preservatives and ingrdients I can't pronounce. If only my zucchini plants would produce SOMETHING! I'd make this quiche today - they were really set back by the hailstorm we had two weeks ago and I'm starting from square one with them)

Michael Toa said...

Hi Elisabeth! Hope you are well. The zucchini quiche looks lovely. I remember bisquick when I used to live in the States.

Csilla said...

Hű, nagyon guszta! A cukkinit nagyon szeretem, ezt a receptet pedig megjegyzem, köszi!

Swathi Iyer said...

Hi Elisabeth ,
This zucchini quiche with Bisquick mix looks delicious, thanks for linking to Hearth and soul blog hop. I will highlight this recipe on next week Hearth and Soul blog hop.

Biren @ Roti n Rice said...

I love quiche and don't make it enough. I also love the idea of a crustless quiche. I need to give your recipe a try. It looks super!

wanna said...

Csodás lett! Szeretem a quiche-t, a cukkinit, külön-külön is, de így együtt ...

Una Semplice Passione said...

Ciao! It looks so good. Yum!

Nelli said...

Nagyon, nagyon finom lehet!Elviszem a receptjét, ha nem bánod!:-)

Amelia said...

Hi Elisabeth, sorry for my late arrival. I'm temporary on hiatus since last week but hopefully to be back soon. Nothing serious, just some minor hiccups with in laws effected my mood.

Thanks for sharing the homemade bisquick mix, it sure look good. Your quiche look awesome and yummy. Wish I can have some now, LOL

Have a nice weekend, hugs to you.

Elisabeth said...

Nelli, Örvendek hogy végre ide találtál, persze hogy nem bánom! Vigyed a receptet, szivesen tovább adom!

Elisabeth said...

Hi Amelia, yes, I did notice your MIA...but so nice to see that you are commenting. I love the term you used...'minor hiccups with in-laws'...well, these thing do happen, hope you straightened things out!
Hugs, to you too!

Pacheco Patty said...

I need to make your zucchini quiche, my zucchini plant is going crazy right now! Thanks for the recipe;-)